BBL (IPL Treatments)

A 61-year-old woman before and after (4) BBL treatments for rosacea and brown pigmentation.

A 51-year-old woman after four full-face BBL skin treatments.

A 35-year-old woman before and after (3) BBL treatment for skin discolorations.

63 year-old woman who had 4 treatments of Broadband Light (BBL).

61 year-old woman who had 4 IPL treatments and 4 Dermapen microneedling treatments. Wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation were significantly reduced.

61 year-old woman shown before and after facelift, browlift and upper lid blepharoplasty.

61 year-old woman had 3 IPL treatments and 6 Alpha-hydroxy peels. Less redness and diminished brown spots. Improved tone and texture of skin.

53 year-old woman woman had 4 IPL treatments and 6 superficial Alpha-hydroxy peels. Less redness and reduced brown spots. Improved tone and texture of skin.

53 year-old woman who had 4 BBL treatments to face and 3 treatments to chest.

53 year-old man with acne rosacea. Had 6 IPL treatments. Less redness, reduced capillaries and pustules.

51 year-old woman who had four treatments of Broadband Light (BBL).

51 year-old woman who had four treatments of Broadband Light (BBL).

45 year-old woman who had 6 IPL treatments. Less redness, diminished brown spots and improved tone and texture.

42 year-old woman had 3 microneedling treatments and 4 IPL treatments. Acne scars reduced and less redness.

35 year-old woman had 6 IPL treatments. Less redness and improved tone and texure.

54 year old pre and post 4 BBL intense pulsed light treatments

62 year old woman before and after BBL treatment

58 year old woman pre and post 3 BBL (IPL) treatments

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610 W. Germantown Pike, Suite 161, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
(610) 828-8880
Office Hours
Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday - Sunday Closed

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